Life Of Shree Guru Ravidass


Guru Ravidass ji, the humble one, tells the Truth
Reflecting on the True Knowledge,
Let thou fix thy mind in the Holy Feet of the Lord
And let thou take shelter under Him.

They (priests) pluck leaves and perform worship,
And call the idol the One who takes men across the ocean of the World.
If God resides in the Idol. Then they say, it should surely float on water. 

Shri Guru Ravi Dass Ji was born in the fifteenth Century at Kanshi (Goverthan Puri) U.P. State in India. His birthday is celebrated on the Puran Mashi of the month Magh. His mother's name was Mata Kalsi Ji and his father's name was Baba Santokh Dass Ji, who was employed as a Sarpanch in the Kingdom of Raja Nagar Mal. Guru Sahib Ji came to this earth at a time when social and religious patterns of society were very distressing. He spear headed the fight against man made discriminations based on caste, colour and creed. He preached the lofty ideas of Socialism, Secularism, Equality and Fraternity.

From early childhood he was very much devoted to worshipping the real God. The high caste Brahmans created so many problems for him and tried their best to restrict Guru Ji.Because of this Guru Ji had to appear before the King of Nagar Mal many times. In the end the King was persuaded and became a follower of Guru Ravi Dass Ji. Guru Ravi Dass Ji taught the lessons of Universal Brotherhood and tolerance. He also taught the message of love your neighbour which has got more importance in today's world.

The idea behind celebrating the Birth Anniversary of Shri Guru Ravi Ji is to bring his message to the heart of the people so as to enrich their lives and make the world a Real HEAVEN.